LIFE IS UGLY AND LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, and death is ugly and death is beautiful. Because existence exists through dialectical processes. Your left leg moves because your right leg stands still: the movement becomes possible because one leg is standing still. Then your left leg stands still and your right leg moves: the movement is possible because of no-movement.
I CAN SPEAK TO YOU BECAUSE SOMETHING DEEP INSIDE IS ALWAYS SILENT. The word is meaningful, significant, only because of the silence. If there is no silence, then the word is meaningless, then it is gibberish. When the word is meaningful, always remember that the meaning comes through silence; silence pours into the word and the word becomes luminous.
LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL BECAUSE THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF HATE, otherwise love would be so sweet that it would create diabetes! Just sugar, sugar, sugar... No, the salt is also needed; HATE GIVES SALT TO LIFE. Activity is good, but if there is no inactivity in it, it will create neurosis -- obsessive action. Inactivity is good, but if there is no activity in it, it will be a sort of death, a lethargy, a dullness. BOTH ARE GOOD, THE WHOLE IS GOOD.
Tao says: THE WHOLE IS GOOD, DON'T CHOOSE; let it be as it is. As it is, it is a wise arrangement. There cannot be a better world than this; there is no possibility of any improvement. YOU ACCEPT BOTH; and through that acceptance, you transcend.
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