The seed cannot know what is going to happen, ....

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The seed cannot know what is going to happen, ....

The seed cannot know what is going to happen, 
the seed has never known the flower. 
And the seed cannot even believe that he has 
the potentiality to become a beautiful flower. 
Long is the journey, and it is always safer 
not to go on that journey because unknown 
is the path, nothing is guaranteed. 
Nothing can be guaranteed. 
Thousand and one are the hazards of the journey, 
many are the pitfalls - and the seed is secure, 
hidden inside a hard core. 
But the seed tries, it makes an effort; 
it drops the hard shell which is its security, 
it starts moving. 
Immediately the fight starts: the struggle with the soil, 
with the stones, with the rocks. 
And the seed was very hard and the sprout will be very, 
very soft and dangers will be many. 
There was no danger for the seed, 
the seed could have survived for millennia, 
but for the sprout many are the dangers. 
But the sprout starts towards the unknown, 
towards the sun, towards the source of light, 
not knowing where, not knowing why. 
Great is the cross to be carried, but a dream 
possesses the seed and the seed moves. 
The same is the path for man. 
It is arduous. 
Much courage will be needed.

<3 ||OSHO|| 


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