“If you love a person and live the whole life with him or with her, a great intimacy will grow and love will have deeper and deeper revelations to make to you.

Monday, February 27, 2017

“If you love a person and live the whole life with him or with her, a great intimacy will grow and love will have deeper and deeper revelations to make to you.

“If you love a person and live the whole life with him or with her, a great intimacy will grow and love will have deeper and deeper revelations to make to you.  It is not possible if you go on changing partners very often.  It is as if you go on changing a tree from one place to another, then another; then it never grows roots anywhere.  To grow roots, a tree needs to remain in one place.  Then it goes deeper; then it becomes stronger.  Intimacy is good, and to remain in one commitment is beautiful, but the basic necessity is love.  If a tree is rooted in a place where there are only rocks and they are killing the tree, then it is better to remove it.  Then don’t insist that it should remain in the one place.  Remain true to life – remove the tree, because now it is going against life.” ~ Osho 

Love, Freedom, and Aloneness: The Koan of Relationships by Osho


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