Marriage has no future. Love has a future
Marriage has no future.
Love has a future.
In the past love was not a reality, marriage was a reality.
In the future love is going to be the reality and marriage is going to become more and more unreal.
In the past people were married to each other, hence by and by they started liking and loving.
In the future people will love and like each other, only then will they live together.
In the past to live together came first and, naturally, whenyou live together, a liking arises, a dependence arises.
It was a need phenomenon.
The husband needed the wife, the wife needed the husband, and then the children needed the parents to be together.
It was, more or less, an economic phenomenon; but it was not out of love.
The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1
The future will know a different kind of relationship which is based purely on love and which will remain in existence only while love remains.
And there will be no hankering for its permanence,because in life nothing is permanent; only plastic flowers are permanent.
Real roses are born in the morning and are gone by the evening. And that is their beauty: they are beautiful when they come, and they are beautiful when their petals start withering away.
Their life is beautiful, their birth is beautiful, their death is beautiful, because there is aliveness.
A plastic flower is never born, never lives, never dies.
Marriage has been a plastic flower in the past.
The new consciousness can have no respect for marriage.
It will have to create a new kind of intimacy – Friendship.
And it will have to learn to live with the impermanent phenomenon of love and of everything.It needs guts to live with the impermanence of life, because each time something changes you have to change yourself again.
One wants to remain fixed – it seems safer, more secure.
That’s how the old man has lived.
The old man was not adventurous; his whole concern was security.
The new man will have the spirit of adventure; his concern will not be security, his concern will be ecstasy.
OshO 💕
The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1
Via Ravi Nandwani
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