My whole approach is to accept

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My whole approach is to accept

My whole approach is to accept whatsoever life brings: accept it with gratefulness, with thankfulness. Don't have a grudge. It is very natural to have a grudge but through having a grudge you miss the point.

You can be very very angry inside: 'Why has this to happen to me? Why not to others? What have I done -- what karmas, what wrong have I done in my past lives? Why should it happen to me? I am so young and the whole life is there.

The leg has to be cut or something else has to be removed -- why am I suffering?'

Don't ask that 'why'. Things are for no reason at all. That is the highest understanding: things are, for no cause at all. 

There is no karma, nothing... these are just explanations to console people! They bring consolation, nothing else; they don't bring any understanding. 

Now, if you go to some old orthodox Indian mind, he will say 'It is because you have done something wrong in your past life.' It explains; an explanation helps you to be consoled a little because somehow the 'why' is answered.

The thing that is going to help is to accept that things exist for no reason at all; it is just as it is. It is a mystery  -- that's what I mean when I say it exists for no reason at all. If there is a reason there is no mystery.

It is mysterious... it is unknown. And all those who claim that they know are just on ego-trips. Not a single thing is known and not a single thing can be known. All our knowledge remains superficial, just an acquaintance; it never solves the mystery. 

So this has to be understood -- this I call understanding --  that not a single thing is known and not a single thing can be known... that ignorance is utter and ultimate but it is innocent and very intimate.

Things are as they are, and we have to accept; what else is there to do? In that acceptance is transcendence. Then you don't have any grudge; you are happy the way you are. 

Life is so mysterious that one never knows.

All this ‘Karma’ talk is nonsense. Life always, and I repeat always, starts Now, from this moment. There is no past and there will never be.

_Abridged From:_

*Far Beyond the Stars*
(A Darshan Diary)

_Talks given from 1/7/77 to 31/7/77_



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