There are relationships and relationships, but none is comparable to THE RELATIONSHIP THAT EXISTS BETWEEN THE MASTER AND THE DISCIPLE.
ALL OTHER RELATIONSHIPS ARE CONDITIONAL, even the best. For example, a love relationship is still demanding. THE ONLY RELATIONSHIP WHICH IS UNCONDITIONAL, UNDEMANDING, is that which exists between the master and the disciple. In fact, it is so rare, so unique, that it should not be categorized with other relationships. It is the poverty of language that makes us call something a relationship which is not a relationship. IT IS A MERGER, IT IS A MEETING -- FOR NO REASON AT ALL.
The disciple is not asking anything, and the master is not promising anything; yet there is thirst in the disciple and there is promise in the master. IT IS A CLOSENESS IN WHICH NOBODY IS HIGHER AND NOBODY IS LOWER -- yet the disciple is a woman, always a woman, because the disciple is nothing but an opening, a womb, a receptivity. And the master is always a man, because the master is nothing but a giving, a giving for no other reason than that he is so full. He has to give. He is a raincloud.
The Osho Upanishad
Ch #16: The truth is always individual
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