Just watch what happens
when you eat meat:
when you kill an animal
what happens to the animal
when he is killed?
Of course, nobody
wants to be killed.
Life wants to prolong itself;
the animal is not dying willingly.
If somebody kills you,
you will not die willingly.
If a lion jumps on you and kills you,
what will happen to your mind?
The same happens
when you kill a lion.
Agony, fear, death, anguish,
anxiety, anger, violence, sadness –
all these things
happen to the animal.
All over his body
violence, anguish, agony spreads.
The whole body becomes
full of toxins, poisons.
All the body glands
release poisons because
the animal is dying
very unwillingly.
And then you eat the meat;
that meat carries
all the poisons that
the animal has released.
The whole energy is poisonous.
Then those poisons
are carried in your body.
That meat which
you are eating belonged
to an animal body.
It had a specific purpose there.
A specific type of consciousness
existed in the animal’s body.
You are on a higher plane
than the animal’s consciousness,
and when you eat the animal’s meat
your body goes to the lowest plane,
to the lower plane of the animal.
Then there exists a gap
between your consciousness
and your body,
and a tension arises and anxiety arises.
Osho – The Essence of Yoga (Talk 5)
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