When you become angry your eyes have a certain gesture, your hands have a certain gesture, your teeth have certain energy, your jaw is more aggressive; you are ready to destroy, to be aggressive.
The energy accumulates in the hands and in the teeth, because when man was an animal that was the only way to be angry. Still animals are angry with their teeth and with their nails; we still carry that mechanism.
If you try to be angry without using your hands and your teeth and your eyes, you will be in an almost impossible situation -- you cannot be angry. That particular gesture in the body is a must.
And what precedes what cannot be said. In fact it is just like saying: 'Which comes first? -- the hen or the egg.' Does fear come first and then the gesture of being frightened, or does the gesture come and then the fear? They both come together; they are simultaneous.
All the eastern techniques are in a way repressive. Rather than expressing your anger, your sadness or your negativity, the techniques have been made in such a way that you can very very politely persuade them to go into the unconscious, to the basement.
So T'ai Chi masters won't be much help... but you can work it out on your own. Learn T'ai Chi from them but then you can work it out in a very cathartic way and you can throw negative emotions through T'ai Chi movements; they can be thrown out.
You can develop that thing and it can be helpful for others too. It can become a new dimension in T'ai Chi. I have always been thinking that some time or other, that dimension has to be developed in t'ai chi. As it is, it doesn't exist right now.
East is very orthodox. They have a certain use and they have used it down the ages and they have become very fixed; they are not even exploring new possibilities.
The same is the case with yoga in India -- it has become a frozen science: for three thousand years, not a single development.
So is the case with T'ai Chi: for three thousand years not a single improvement. It remains exactly where it was three thousand years before... as if three thousand years have not passed.
The East is very very orthodox: once it finds that a certain thing works it uses it only in that way. The west is very very exploring, hence the West could reach from the bullock cart to the space jet.
The East could not, the East still carries the bullock cart; it is the same bullock cart!
In the same bullock cart Buddha was moving, in the same bullock cart Patanjali was moving, in the same bullock cart Lao Tzu was moving, and in the same bullock cart the East is still moving
_Abridged From:_
*Far Beyond the Stars*
(A Darshan Diary)
_Talks given from 1/7/77 to 31/7/77_
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