Loneliness is a negative state of mind. .....

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Loneliness is a negative state of mind. .....

Loneliness is a negative state of mind. 
Aloneness is positive, notwithstanding 
what the dictionaries say. 

In dictionaries, loneliness and aloneness 
are synonymous -- they are synonyms; 
in life they are not. 

Loneliness is a state of mind when you 
are constantly missing the other, 
aloneness is the state of mind when you 
are constantly delighted in yourself. 

Loneliness is miserable, aloneness is blissful. 
Loneliness is always worried, missing something, 
hankering for something, desiring for something; 
aloneness is a deep fulfillment, not going out, 
tremendously content, happy, celebrating. 

In loneliness you are off center, 
in aloneness you are centered and rooted. 
Aloneness is beautiful. 
It has an elegance around it, a grace, 
a climate of tremendous satisfaction. 

Loneliness is; beggarly; all around it there 
is begging and nothing else. 
It has no grace around it. In fact it is ugly. 

Loneliness is a dependence, 
aloneness is SHEER independence. 
One feels as if one is one's whole world, 
one's whole existence.

Come Follow to You: Vol-4, Ch 6


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