The most difficult thing in your life — ...
The most difficult thing in your life — which should
really be the easiest — is to sit by the side of the
flow of your mind.
Your mind is just like a river.
Thoughts and thoughts and a
crowd of thoughts go on passing.
You simply sit by the bank, unconcerned,
just a witness, and you are in for a great surprise.
Slowly slowly, as you become more
and more centered and simply a witness,
thoughts start disappearing.
They can exist only with your identification.
You give energy to your mind.
When you pull yourself out, you have stopped
giving nourishment to the mind.
And once there is no nourishment — thoughts are
very fragile things — they start dying out.
Soon there is silence, there is peace.
And this peace is not the peace of a cemetery.
This peace is not dead, it is not flat.
It is such a tremendous experience that once
you have reached the first rung of the ladder,
the ladder goes to infinity.
You can go on and on discovering new layers of peace.
This is the real excitement, unending excitement.
From Death to Deathlessness
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